“Every moment of our life can be the beginning of great things.”
Joseph H. Pilates
Fab Pilates St Albans

Mat Classes and Timetables

Invest in your body. Pricing reflects quality of instruction, experienced teaching, state of the art equipment, safety and, most importantly, what you get out of it.

Classes Timetable

Additional classes and courses will be run from time to time – details will be posted on the website.






9.30-10.25 – Group size 10-12*

11.15-12.15 (Mixed ability) Group size 10-12

12.30-1.30 (Mixed ability) Group size 10-12




All classes now at Marshalswick Community Centre, The Ridgeway, St Albans AL4 9XU



Gentle Pilates – Course Description:

This is a 6-week course of gentle, slow-paced, mindful mat classes using small equipment and focussing on stretching, strengthening, and balancing the whole body. We’ll also be doing gentle stretches and working on maintaining and improving balance too.

Who are the classes suitable for? The classes are gentle enough to be suitable for everyone, including beginners*. We will be working on the floor so you will need to be able to get up and down to the mat unassisted.  If you’re not sure or have any questions, please get in touch with me at karen@fabpilates.net or call me on 07957355332.  All clients will be required to complete an enrolment form before joining the class for safety.

About the class:  Gentle Pilates classes are 55 minutes long including a 5-minute relaxation session at the end of the class.  Classes are small with a maximum of 12 attendees to ensure safety. All mats and small equipment are provided. Please wear clothing that you can move in without restriction (but not too baggy) and bring an extra layer for the relaxation session if you wish.

Dates: Consecutive 6-week course on Thursday mornings, starting Thursday 9th February 2023 from 9.30am to 10.25am (9/2,16/2,23/2,2/3,9/3,16/3).

Price:  The course is £78 (£13 per class), payable in advance.  If you’d like to do the course but can’t make all of the dates, we can discuss other options – do give me a call.

How do I join? If you’d like to join the course, please contact me by phone (07957355332) or email (karen@fabpilates.net)  and leave your phone number and email address. I’ll send you a short enrolment form for you to complete, with a follow-up chat to check that these sessions are right for you.

*Before starting any exercise program, it’s always advisable to seek advice from your GP or a health professional if you have any health concerns, such as a health condition or an injury.

Would you like to give Pilates a try?


“The support and encouragement you give to me each week is beyond any thanks I can give you. I come away from each class full of admiration. You are the kind of teacher who is a shining example to all of us teachers. The teachers in your classes recognise what a first rate practitioner you are. It was my lucky day when you put your card through our door.”

"You restore my karma at the end of each frantic week."

“When I came to you first I’d pretty much lost enthusiasm for Pilates and felt very ‘stuck’. I now know how exciting and challenging it can be when it’s well taught and explained. I really feel like a different person and am confident that I can improve even more…”

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